The Keas Room
3 - 4 years
Kia Ora and welcome to the Kea Room!
Teachers in our room provide nurturing care, continual learning experiences and the right amount of challenge for our young learners.
We base our philosophy of learning on a co-operative approach where teachers and children learn alongside and with each other, allowing for great imaginations and creativity as well as learning life skills through building relationships and making confident and positive decisions. Our daily routine consists of planned experiences as well as spontaneous free play. The set up of our environment supports this along with our curriculum areas and the Early Education Curriculum – Te Whāriki. We enjoy going on excursions and having people and experiences from our community come in to support our rooms interests to give them the best possible learning outcomes.
Our tamariki are curious learners and become more independent each day as we strive to provide them with the best quality care and guidance to help them prepare for the world around them.
We look forward to getting to know you and your child and having them as a part of our whānau.
Our Vision and Values:
- Providing quality of care for a loving, nurturing, fun and safe environment through role-modelling respectful practices.
- We encourage our children to be more independent as we see them as capable, competent life-long learners. We aim to be co-learners alongside the children and their interests.
- We believe that each child is unique and are determined to meet the individual needs of each and every child.
- Educators believe that inclusive practice is important for children, parents and their whānau to develop a sense of belonging in the room. All cultures are valued through respecting cultural preferences and celebrating cultural events.
- To build collaborative relationships with parents and whanau. Whānau are empowered to participate in their child’s learning programs.

Keas Gallery