September 17, 2019
Toys are a wonderful way to keep babies, toddlers and preschoolers entertained, and they’re also excellent tools for learning and development. At Scribbles Early Education Centres, parents often tell us that they are confused by all the mixed messages out there over what toys are best for the different ages and stages their children go through. […]
August 14, 2019
Have you ever noticed that kids seem to be in their element when outdoors, happily running around despite cloudy weather, deep puddles or muddy yards? Playing outdoors is an excellent opportunity for children to learn and develop, teaching them about the natural world while allowing them to be loud and wild – traits not always welcomed […]
July 18, 2019
It’s nearly impossible to raise children these days without exposing them to screens. Between the TV, the smart phone and the computer, screens make up a big part of our lives. But when it comes to growing little brains, how much screen time is healthy? At Scribbles childcare centres in Mt Roskill and Mt Wellington screen […]
June 25, 2019
Messy play is the introduction of a variety of textures, sensations and tactile experiences to your child. It can be exposure to real-life objects like water, sand or feathers, or playing with man-made materials like glue, paint or playdough. If the idea of making a mess at home sends shivers down your spine, don’t worry! At […]
May 28, 2019
From board books for babies to in-depth stories for older pre-schoolers, the value of reading to young children cannot be overstated. Reading is an excellent and important way to spend some time with children, with many benefits to both parents and children alike. While the days can be busy at Scribbles childcare centres in Mt Wellington, […]
April 26, 2019
For some families, work and life requirements dictate when the youngest member of the family starts daycare. For others, a parent is at home or has flexible work hours, but childcare becomes appealing for its ability to introduce children to a wide range of environments and activities, as well as other kids and adults. No matter […]
March 27, 2019
Your commitments are all important, from performing well at the office to volunteering, nurturing a new baby to keeping the house in order. There’s a lot to juggle being a parent and finding a balance between work-life and family-life isn’t easy. Luckily, Scribbles Childcare Centre is here to help. Our childcare centres in Auckland offer extended […]
February 26, 2019
In the first five years of life, children go from being helpless babies to capable little people. It is a time of significant leaps in development physically, mentally and emotionally. The early childhood educators at Scribbles Childcare Centre in Auckland know that children learn best from doing, which is why movement is a key part of […]